Careers at Council

Councils play an important role in helping their communities plan, respond, and recover from sudden emergencies and ongoing social and economic pressures.
Natural disasters such as bushfires and floods, major life-threatening incidents such as terrorist attacks or public shootings, or large-scale accidents and health scares, all impact community wellbeing. Building resilience is essential to the long-term sustainability of communities.
Resilience roles in local government tend to have two elements: engagement at the community level (with residents, businesses, and external agencies); and at a systems level where plans, policies, and reports are developed, maintained, and improved.

Types of disaster management roles:
Roles that are related to building community resilience in the context of emergencies include:
Emergency Management Officer/Coordinator
Local Emergency Management Officer
Emergency Recovery & Resilience Officer/Team Leader
Emergency Operations Officer
Management Resilience Officer
Climate Change Resilience Officer
What we do:
- Develop, implement, review and update emergency management plans.
- Provide executive support to the Local Emergency Operations Controller during an emergency.
- Coordinate administration for emergency management committees.
- Ensure emergency operation centres are ready for operation.
- Collaborate with a wide range of government and non-government organisations e.g. Police, Fire Services, welfare and education services etc.
- Develop and implement strategies and projects to build community resilience.
- Engage with community groups and support agencies.
- Deliver recovery information sessions.
- Provide support during disasters.
- Ensure compliance with reporting requirements.
Degree in emergency management or related discipline.
Vocational education and training (VET) qualifications relevant to these roles include:
- Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)
- Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Recovery Management)
Social & economic
Some jobs in local government focus on building community resilience to emerging and persistent challenges faced by specific groups in the community. Other positions are more general, and prepare communities for shocks and stresses, of any nature.

Types of roles:
Community Resilience Officer
Local Business Resilience Officer
Aboriginal Community Resilience Officer
Youth Resilience Officer/Co-ordinator
Community Capacity Building Officer
What we do:
- Build relationships with the community or relevant target group.
- Develop plans and strategies in collaboration with community groups.
- Identify funding opportunities for projects that help to build community resilience.
- Establish, deliver, and evaluate programs to build resilience.
Qualification requirements:
Degree in social sciences, community services, environmental science, business
Vocational education and training (VET) qualifications relevant to these roles include:
- Diploma of Community Development
Some current Emergency Management & Community Resilience vacancies
Working in Councils
The scale and diversity of work on offer in Local Government is impressive as is the direct and positive impact this work has on the communities we serve.

Is council right for you?
Local Government’s 189,000 employees have many different skills and backgrounds, but together they share certain values and attributes that enable them to succeed at Council.