Inner West Council
Policy Program Officer – Up to 12 months

Posted: 18 Mar
Closes: 06 Apr
Ashfield, New South Wales


Inner West Council is an Inclusive Employer.

Inner West Council (IWC) is committed to Equal Employment, we welcome and encourage candidates from all backgrounds and experiences to apply.

IWC is dedicated to reflecting our community and strongly encourage Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people of diverse sexualities and genders, Veterans, young people, and mature aged workers to apply.

This is one of the many reasons why IWC was the 2023 AR Bluett Award Winner and recognised as the most progressive council across NSW. We are also The Australian Business Awards Employer of Choice Winner for 2023

IWC are intent on respecting the rights and improving opportunities for people with disability. If you identify as a person with disability and require reasonable adjustments to support you in your application and throughout the recruitment process, please contact:

Reasonable Adjustment Assistance: 

IWC are intent on respecting the rights and improving opportunities for people with disability. Should you require adjustments or support for your application and throughout the recruitment process and beyond, please Click here for more information on reasonable adjustments

For any enquiries, specific to this job advert and application, please contact the Hiring Manager. Details are listed under the Enquiries header below. 

About Inner West Council

Inner West Council (IWC) is among Sydney’s larger local metropolitan local government councils looking after a community of 201,000 people living in some of the inner city’s most vibrant, creative, liveable, and diverse suburbs. As we continue to deliver quality, innovative, and inclusive programs and services, we invite you to join in on our journey towards becoming the best council for our community.

The community is at the heart of IWC, and our values of IntegrityRespectInnovationCompassion and Collaboration are at the centre of everything that we do.

We offer flexible career life balance with hours that allow you to relax and recharge. We offer a variety of flexible work arrangement options (e.g. flexible hours and working from home) where appropriate giving you even greater quality of work life balance.

Permanent employees benefit from our great value gym membership from $16.60/week giving access to a vast network of gyms in Sydney.

About the role

The Policy Program Officer will contribute to the environment, health and wellbeing of IWC’s current and future population by ensuring social research, strategy and policy development is innovative and aligned with Council's strategic direction. This position has an emphasis on excelling in customer service and is responsible for leading design and implementation of entrepreneurial policy initiatives that drive positive change within Council and in the community.

Please read the Position Description to familiarise yourself with all the requirements and conditions of the role. 

Some of the required skills, experience and qualifications 

  1. Experience in developing and implementing policy and strategy change initiatives, including collaborative development, leading and supporting culture change to create effective implementation.
  2. Experience in social and demographic research, and capacity to undertake quantitative research and analysis.
  3. Experience in high level facilitation, stakeholder engagement and an established track record of contemporary community development.
  4. Demonstrated understanding of the range of activities undertaken by the Social and Cultural Planning Unit and current issues affecting and / or impacting communities of the Inner West.
  5. Demonstrated understanding of Child Safety and the NSW Child Safe Standards.


$88,656.36 - $101,496.20 + 11.5% Superannuation


Jack Dungca, Senior Business Partner - People & Culture on 9335 2033

Closing Date

Sunday 6 April 2025, 11:30PM

To subscribe to our weekly job alert emails please click here

How to Apply

We recommend you read the Position Description for the role to make sure your application addresses the requirements of the position. Council is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes all applicants. Please advise us within the application if you need support, reasonable adjustments to participate successfully in the recruitment process.

All new workers must be and remain fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to beginning their work or hold a valid medical contraindication.

Eligibility for employment/Pre employment Checks

Successful applicants must be eligible to work in Australia and agree to provide information for pre-employment checks as required for the position. This may include police records checks, certified copies of relevant qualifications, Driver’s Licence and proof of work rights in Australia (please refer to the Position Description for the specific qualifications/requirements for the role).  Copies of any sighted documents will be kept by IWC for its records as proof of verification.

For more information about work rights in Australia please visit the Department of Home Affairs website.