Introducing Wyatt Roberts, Parks and Open Spaces Labourer – Moree Plains Shire Council
The Shire of Moree Plains, located on the New South Wales and Queensland border, is one of the largest Local Government areas within New South Wales. Moree Plains Shire Council’s Wyatt Roberts, is a dedicated Labourer celebrating his third year in the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team.
In 2015, Wyatt moved to Moree from Newcastle. He had family here but has stayed for a relaxed lifestyle. Wyatt explains, “Moree is a good location, places like Brisbane are only a few hours’ drive away.”
Wyatt is a graduate of the Clontarf Foundation, an organisation that helps young Aboriginal men find direction through education and structure. The Clontarf Foundation started in 2000 and now assists nearly 10,000 youth nationally. Mentors can become like family and Wyatt found the encouragement and support he needed to start kicking life’s goals.
Wyatt comments, “I’ve learnt that if you want to be successful you must believe in yourself, never give up, and don’t fall into bad habits.”
Wyatt enjoys his work at Council, commenting that no two days are ever the same. He loves being in nature attending to Council’s gardens, lawns, pathways, and public facilities. These spaces provide vital places for people to meet, connect, and get involved in the community – helping to make the Moree Plains a great place to live, work and play.
Wyatt is not only kicking goals at work, but kicking goals for the Moree Suns, Moree’s local football team, on the weekend too!
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